Hello! How are you?
I had hoped to publish a piece about some professional changes that are occurring in my life… but I am recovering from another cold and the post is not complete.
Plus, not that you needed or probably wanted to know all of the details, but the cold has resulted in major brain fog and together with several weeks of poor sleep, it has meant that I have not been reading or writing as much as I would have liked (both here on Substack and beyond).
This is the second time that I have been prescribed antibiotics this year. I don’t seek this type of medication out and did try various home remedies in the first instance, but once the cough was on my chest, I knew that it was game over - a doctor’s appointment was in order! Although because the cough had been persistent for several weeks, my doctor recommended an X-ray. All fine, fortunately, but I do now have a cool image of my lungs to hang on the wall. My husband is less keen on this idea.
Another reason that I am eager to get rid of this cough is because my husband and I are going away for a week’s holiday this coming weekend. This will be our first holiday holiday in over four years. Yes, you read that right, four years.
We have done the odd-weekend away here and there, but most of our travel has been work-related (for my husband, so it’s not all that relaxing for him), or our trips have been long-hauls to see family since travel restrictions eased in Hong Kong in 2022. Now, I am not trying to say that seeing loved ones isn’t a holiday, but whether you live in the same city/country or on the other side of the world, visiting family and friends can come with certain expectations.
And while I am on the theme of expectations, initially I told myself: ‘Sarah, you didn’t post two weeks ago because of the jet-lag. You can’t not post again this week!’ Well, even with that double negative, I have decided to relax this expectation and so there will no post next week.
Take care and see you two weeks,
Finally, if you like what you see at the The Best of Intentions, it helps tremendously when you give the heart a squeeze, share the piece with one of your mates, or leave a comment (I read and reply to all - a great joy!). Thank you 😉
I am not trying to say that seeing loved ones isn’t a holiday, but whether you live in the same city/country or on the other side of the world, visiting family and friends can come with certain expectations." I totally get that. Enjoy your break!
Hope you get well soon, and enjoy your much deserved holiday!