The Best Awards 2024
November Moments
Clockenflap, Hong Kong 2024
Rush, rush, rush...
Happy (belated) 1st birthday to TBOI!
October Moments
Newer Sounds 🎶
What do I want from a gym?
The holiday happened
A holiday beckons
September Moments
Noir and Blanc
My Third Place
August Moments
#9 - A Novel in a Year
A Substack Ramble
51 things!
#8 - A Novel in a Year
July Moments
Rest and Recovery 💪
A summer of sport
#7 - A Novel in a Year
A Substack mixtape
June moments
That time when I wanted to go into politics
My local print shop
#6 - A Novel in a Year
Ten things that I miss about teaching, and ten things that I don't
May moments
Capturing the moment or missing out?
Rediscovering creativity
What are you listening to?
#5 - A Novel in a Year
On strength training
April Moments
World Book Day!
A street art walking tour
#4 - A Novel in a Year
An Italian window
Neon dreams
All connections matter
#3 - A Novel in a Year
A love letter to Vietnam
#2 A Novel in a Year
This is one of those writing about writing posts
Oh, something new!
Thoughts of home
#1 A Novel in a Year
Big goals vs small goals
Reminder to self: get a flu jab next winter